Intuitive Healing
Our mind creates our reality. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. Our beliefs are the matrix upon which our entire reality lies. Beliefs are the energy that underlies the creation of our thoughts, our thoughts are what create our feelings, and our feelings are what create our actions and behaviors.We create our own reality because emotions, thoughts, words and actions sum up to a vibrational reality.
So what this means is we are able to reprogram ourselves by removing everything that we are not, and evolve. A large part of the intuitive energy healing approach deals with this very matrix.

An obstruction in your energetic field, starts from thoughts, ideas, beliefs and behaviours moulded from past experiences or trauma. These are the building blocks of emotional pain, mental distress and a slew of symptoms that affect your physical body in many unpleasant ways. The ultimate goal of an intuitive healing session is to transform negative energies into positive ones in order to restore balance and harmony in the mind, body and spirit.
All methods of energy healing involve a reciprocal process, which basically means your role is equally important as the healer's. The practitioner, through the guidance of the universal energy source, can assist you in instilling new thoughts and beliefs, but it is you who decides whether or not to accept these into your subconscious mind.
Expressing your intent to overwrite your negative mindset with a positive one will instantly put you in a creation mode where new thoughts and feelings are forged.
Transforming the negative thoughts that are wired in your subconscious will clear your subtle energy, which in turn leads to your personal healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Intuitive healing does not merely eliminate the symptoms of an illness; it is the path that leads to your ability to self-heal. An intuitive healer teaches you how to listen to your body so that you can support its natural healing mechanism, prevent disease and maintain your sense of wellbeing.
How it works & what we can do:
An intuitive healing session combines elements of different healing modalities, including Reconnective Healing, Reiki, Crystal Mandalas, Sound Healing, Meditation, Journaling, to name a few. The tools used during a healing session will depend on what your energy field requires, which is determined through an energetic scan by the intuitive healer at the beginning and during the energy healing session.
We will be guided intuitively as to what needs to happen in a session, because of that, each session is always different.
Intuitive energy healing works directly with this creative force, which we understand as the creative power of God/Universe/Source, etc, the client will always get what is in their highest and best good at the time.
We can access memories from the past you need to transmute. We can connect with the Subconscious to answer any questions you need answers for. I will facilitate this process for you and you will access exactly what you need to access to move on and thrive.
Guidance – We can find out where to go from where you are in your journey. We use practical tools in order to connect with guidance, clear the path, heal and manifest.
Karmic and life purpose reading – we can study your information related to karma and life purpose. You will leave the session with information and practical guidance in order to move towards your life purpose with ease and flow. ​

- Clearing Negative Energy and influences from the body as well as from inanimate objects such as homes and buildings. Wayward spirits, psychic hooks, cords, entities, and other energetic influences can cause problems in our day to day life. We may not even be aware that these “unseen” energetic things are affecting us. Your energetic field will be scaned and cleared, if any of these things should be present.
- Sensing the Body’s Subtle Energy and bringing Bodyawareness. Your body is a complex and sensitive intuitive receptor. Being aware of the sensuousness of your body opens intuition. Then you’ll become more cognizant of early warning signs your body sends. This gives you a head-start on preventing illness, choosing healthy relationships, and avoiding detrimental situations. We are composed of flesh and blood, but also of subtle energy. Chinese Medical Practitioners call it “chi,” a vital substance which penetrates the body and extends many feet beyond it. For that reason, it is important that we learn to sense this energy within us, recognize when it is off, and learn to correct the imbalance. Learning to tap into your body’s energy is healing​

​​The Sessions take place online via Zoom.
A Reiki healing therapy can occure at the end of a session.
In a First Session we get to know each other and become familiar with your topics and the things u want to work on and get help with. Further it should help to make the decision for the work together.
The first session is towards a voluntary donation, the duration of it is approximately 30 minutes.
The further sessions and appointments can vary between 1 and 3 hours, and 1 to several appointments spread over a period of time, depending on the topic and objective. We will meet regularly in order to guide and help you towards your own search of self-development.
Intuitive Healing can help address a variety of conditions, including:
Chronic pain
Sleep disorders
Emotional eating
Negative behavioural patterns
Chronic diseases
Mental health problems
Life transition