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Nadis & Aura

Writer's picture: LaskarinaLaskarina

According to the Chinese culture, the meridians are the energy channels that run through the human body and conduct the vital energy. Each of the meridians is related to an organ and a function, which, in turn, are related to the Chinese principle of Yin and Yang. When the energy that travels them is unbalanced, it is possible to rebalance it by stimulating the meridians in several points. This is the principle of acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu and other methods. 

There are 3 main channels within us through which subtle energy flows. They are also called Nadis: Sushumna, Ida and Pingala.

Ida and Pingala have the ability to capture prana directly from the air, through breathing, and expel toxins during exhalation. Hence the importance of good respiratory practice. They are considered to have important functions of the sympathetic nervous system. 


“Ida” is the conducting channel of lunar (reassuring) energy. This channel begins at the left side of the root Chakra and ends at the top of the left nostril. It controls our psyche, desires, emotions, past and conditioning. This is where the programs or behavior are located, gained from experience, conditioned reflexes, traditions; they are intended to protect us from dangers.

“Pingala” is the conducting channel of solar (stimulant) energy. This channel begins at the right side of the root Chakra and ends at the top of the right nostril. It controls our body, our thoughts, actions, plans and the future. It is also responsible for our absolute will to survive.


“Sushumna” is the channel where cosmic energy goes up and down. All Chakras have their roots in this channel, which goes from the crown Chakra to the root Chakra and thereby it controls the functions of the organs (largely via the parasympathetic nervous system). As a mental channel, it controls autonomous functions, such as: Breathing, heartbeat, recovery and regeneration. It serves the Kundalini ascension and is responsible for our evolution. Spontaneity and presence are attributed to it. 

The Human Aura 

The human aura is a subtle and magnetic emanation produced by ethereal forces. All bodies have this magnetic field, which radiates from each individual as the rays of sunshine emanate from the sun. The aura, although ignored by most people in their normal states of consciousness, is perceived and clearly recognized by individuals who are in the right conditions of sensibility.  

It is the subtle extension of the personality, which can both produce and receive certain impressions. Thanks to it, we have established contacts that are very different from physical ones. We feel instinctive attraction or repulsion depending on the case, apparently for no reason. However, attraction and repulsion reveal an intrinsic harmony or disharmony between the auras in contact.  

The aura varies in many ways. In the first place, its area and extent depend on the development of soul and mind. The composition or texture also varies according to the disposition and character. Another element that acts on the complexity and diversity of the aura are the emotions, passions and feelings, that have their own characteristics in relation to auric irradiations. The aura constantly changes in size and colour, in close relation to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.  

It is evident, therefore that our true character is projected into the aura, what we intrinsically are and not what seems to be. We cannot explain in any other way the attraction or repulsion we feel so often when we meet certain people for the first time. It is the invisible action of the aura that drives us. 

The aura is also an infallible guide to the state of health of the individual. 

In healthy people, the vital rays expand in the auric atmosphere with an intense and crystalline brightness. In diseased individuals, the colours are dull and darker, while the more serious diseases are indicated by opaque spots on the affected parts.  

In the vital sense, every individual creates his own magnetic atmosphere, which unfailingly reveals his temper, disposition, and state of health. Everything in nature produces its own aura.  

Evidence shows that everything that occurs on the physical body first occurs in the energetic realm. The aura presents the causes of our diseases, consequently it is quite logical to intervene preventively in the energetic body through Reiki or other techniques of vibrational therapies.  

If the disease has seized the physical body, two simultaneous interventions are appropriate: intervention in the physical body with conventional medicine, and intervention in the energy body with Reiki in order to eliminate the cause.

The number of auric layers discovered and seen by scientists and seers over the years range from three to more than seven. Now it seems likely to exist seven auric layers. 

Each of the extracts of the aura is distinct. The odd fields have a more definite structure, while the even ones are less structured, almost fluid, in constant motion.  

Each extract from the aura field relates to the seven major Chakras and glands of the endocrine system, the first three layers being associated with the energy of the physical body, metabolizing them. The fourth extract is a transformer, interconnecting auric layers and energetic fields, and the upper three auric layers metabolize energies related to the spiritual world.  

The auric fields

1. The Etheric body (0.5 to 5 cm) - it penetrates the physical body and is part of it. Also called ectoplasm, it vitalizes and sustains the physical body until death. It contains energy from tissues, glands and organs, and expands or retracts according to their functioning. Protection of life energies 

2. The Emotional body (2.5 to 7.5 cm) - penetrates the ethereal body, we find the emotional body, the vehicle of emotions, desires and passions. It is especially the radiant and shifting radiations of this body, consisting of coloured and oval clouds in continuous movement that the seers describe when they observe the aura.  Screens feelings & emotions 


3. The Mental body (7.5 to 20 cm) - it is the vehicle of thoughts, has a more subtle and less defined structure. It contains our mental processes, out ideas, and generally appears to the seers in the form of a golden halo, and when it is unbalanced, it is translucent with golden emanations like bubbles. Filters ideas and beliefs 

4. The Astral body (15 to 30 cm) - composed of multicoloured clouds from extrasensory perceptions and emotions. Attracts or repels relationships 

5. The Etheric body (45 to 60 cm) - field of structured energy on which the physical body grows. Attracts, repels and sends guidance 

6. The Celestial body (70 to 90 cm) - it is the emotional level of the higher plan through which we experience spiritual ecstasy. It is the plane of identification with God, composed of points of light.  Opens to choices, enacts decisions  

7. The Causal body (75 to 100 cm) - it contains the impressions of past experiences. It is the strongest and most elastic level of the auric field and contains the main force chain flowing along the spine. (Ketheric) connects with spirits & Spirit, broadcasts spiritual decisions.  

The last three layers are called spiritual aura. In devout, mystical and generous people, the spiritual aura is very evident and beautiful, whereas in selfish and petty individuals there is almost no trace of it.  


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