Electromagnetism is everywhere and its effects are felt by everyone. Without it, life on earth would be impossible. The sun is the foremost source of electromagnetic vibration. Even though it generates vast amounts of it, only a mere 7% of it reaches the surface of the Earth.
The Bioresonance is based on the scientifically proven principle of Quantum Physics (Max Planck) according to the fact that our body cells send and receive electromagnetic signals. In our body, we have different forms of energy.One of these is the electromagnetic, which is expressed by oscillations (frequencies).
Every living and none living thing on the planet has its own resonant frequency. Every organ of the body has its own individual resonant frequency, much like the note of a tuning fork. All bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi also have their own frequencies.
Whenever one of our organs has a load, its resonant frequency drops. It is now known - for example - that the frequency at which our healthy lungs resonate stands at 72 cycles per second (Hertz / Hz). If the lungs get a load, their frequency will also drop, to 71, 70 or even lower Hertz readings.
If we can use a frequency generator to generate the same frequency as a healthy lung, we can help the lungs restore their normal function. The body heals and rebalances when connected to healthy frequencies. This is the principle of BIORESONANCE and how it basically works.
A very well-known example of the effects of resonance is a braking wine glass next to a speaker. A crystal wine glass has a resonant frequency of around 500 Hz. If we now produce this very same sound next to the glass at a certain volume, it will absorb this frequency and resonate fiercely until it breaks. This is what scientists call the phenomenon of resonance.
In the very same way, viruses, bacteria, fungi & parasites have their own specific resonant frequencies – frequencies that if are reproduced accurately and at the correct level - they’ll brake just as the crystal wine glass does in front of a speaker. There is a video showing this process below for further comprehension.
Every vital organ, each human tissue, like everything around us, sends its own frequency which is called natural frequency. All the organs together compose the electromagnetic field of each one. The presence of a host such as the parasites or viruses, affects this field as more frequencies appear, that reduce the speed of communication between cells. The body’s speed reaction slows down, thus the organism is exposed and becomes vulnerable and as a result, illnesses appear.
The special diagnostic equipment that is used in Bioresonance, has the ability to identify foreign frequencies of the pathogenic microorganisms, while the corresponding therapeutic devices have the ability to degrade the pathogenic causes so that everything will work properly again.
It is a fact that the human body has a tremendous ability of self-healing, which is thoroughly harmed not only by the microbial load, but also by the way we lead our life. Various chemicals that invade our body through food and medicine, the polluted air, the stress, the electromagnetic and geopathic load, attack the self-healing ability that our system has. The fatigue and the degeneration that occurs in our body’s organs and systems gets visible through the respective emission of pathological and distressed oscillations. The operation of the method of Bioresonance focuses on returning the body to its ideal state through low-emission, normal for the body, harmonic frequencies, which “retune” the body to the proper function and activate the natural self-healing mechanism.
Therefore, the Bioresonance acts in two phases:
a) Defining and eliminating the causeb) Reset of the affected organs and systems of the organism back to normal
A lot of renowned leading scientists have been active in the field of Energy medicine and Bioresonance. Such medical professionals and scientists include Dr Rife, Dr. Voll, Dr. Schimmel, Dr. Morell to name only a few. Bioresonance therapy is now gaining momentum as more and more doctors as well as patients become aware of this alternative type of medical treatment. Bioresonance therapy is totally harmless to all healthy organs and has a high success rate.
