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Reiki is love. Reiki is harmony. Harmony is beautiful.


A Reiki practitioner is someone who has been specially initiated to be a channel that unites the Universal Cosmic Life Force with the individual energy that can transmit and send it. 

The Universal Cosmic Life Force is the energy from which the entire universe was obtained and generated, the original energy of all beings, which can also be understood and grasped at special levels of consciousness (levels that are reached through the process of harmonization-activation- Initiation attunement).


  • Is a natural method for balancing and restoring the functions of the body, creating a state of harmony for the individual.

  • Is a technique that among other things, balances also the 7 chakras or energy centers of subtle energy.

  • Energizes, because it is not one's own energy (Chi or Ki) being used, but the universal life force. This energy is not bipolar, therefore not positive-negative (Ying and Yang). It is not manipulative; the practitioner uses his hands and the energy flows with the intensity and quality intended for the one who receiving it.

  • Permeates time and space and thereby allows past events to be reprogrammed and future events to be coordinated.

  • Quickly relieves physical pain.

  • Helps the person holistically in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body with the aim of not only suppressing the pathology but also returning to the natural and desired state of well-being and bliss.


How does it work?

The mind and the consciousness express themselves in the body through messenger substances, they nourish the flow of molecular information between the hormonal, neurological and immunological systems and thereby they reach the cells of the entire organism.

The messenger substances work directly on the glands that are closely related to the chakras. Each chakra has its function and meaning and is connected to certain organs and functions. The action of the Universal Life Force Energy through the higher frequencies of vibrations releases blockages while Reiki travels through the meridians, electrical channels, nadis and chakras and allows the chakras to be liberated and harmonized gradually and uniformly.

That translates into a more efficient immune system, balanced emotions, and the ability to truly feel heavenly and divine. The person initially feels this awakening to a physical level and the process then continues until the auric bodies are reached, providing new visions and options from the total mind.

Illness is caused by wrong decisions and limited ideas, healing will come through opening up this greater understanding of your SELF. Conflict is nonexistent in this state, and neither is disease. The person does not heal from a particular illness, he regains his well-being, well-thinking, well-wishing and returns to his original state of balance and bliss.

Some meanings of the Reiki ideogram:                                                                                       

Wonderful rain of vital energy

Wonderful rain that gives life

The idea that something comes from the cosmos, whose encounter with the earth produces the miracle of life

The communion of a higher energy with an earthly one, belonging to one another

A wonderful energy that is above everything else and furthermore it is in you and you belong to it




Evidence shows that everything that happens in the physical body happens in the energetic realm first. The aura presents the causes of our illnesses, so it is logical to intervene as a precaution in the energetic body through Reiki or other techniques of frequency and vibration therapy.




Reiki can be a path to deep meditation:

Through mediation we will feel more relaxed, more conscious, we will sleep better, we will become less tired, and our aura will begin to vibrate in a more harmonious way, which will result in spiritual growth. We raise the level of our immune system and make the cells of our body work in a uniform and balanced manner.


Reiki is love. Reiki is harmony. Harmony is beautiful.

Treatment information:


Come dressed as brightly as possible, black should be avoided.

The therapy takes place lying down, on a massage table, or sitting comfortably.

You shouldn't necessarily have eaten something shortly before. 1.5 to 3 hours before this is advisable.

Ideally, you do between 3 and 10 sessions, once a week or 3 days in a row or every 2nd day, depending on the situation and case.​​

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