The word “Chakra” is Sanskrit and means “wheel”. Chakras are colourful and round magnetic centres responsible for the energetic flow in the body. Their main function is to absorb the universal energy, metabolize it, feed our aura and finally emit energy to the outside. In the West, the Chakras are seen as a whirlwind of energy. They are small swirling cones (funnels) that function as energy vehicles or energy connections and which connect the physical body to the energetic one, functioning as a kind of apparatus of capture and exclusion, whose rotating vortices are in constant motion and have, in an average person, a diameter of 5 to 10 cm.

The Chakras are responsible for innumerable and complex functions in the human body. It is through the Chakras that we lose energy when we are in physical and emotional suffering because each Chakra is a collector point of a certain area of conflict and development.
Ancient writings mention about 88.000 Chakras. This means in the human body there is practically no point that is not energetically sensitive. Most of them play secondary roles. There are 7 major Chakras in Reiki, which are located from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
Of these 7 main Chakras, two are simple, they have only one vortex (access), the first and the seventh. The others are double and have anterior and posterior vortices. The human aura is linked to these 7 main Chakras.
The perfect functioning of the Chakras means perfect health, but the opening of all at all levels means evolution, it is what Masters call enlightenment.
There are numerous techniques of opening the Chakras, among them, Reiki has the advantage of being a subtle one. The size of the Chakras depends on the spiritual development and vibrations that we emit, they are broad, bright and translucent, reaching 20 cm in diameter in spiritually developed people. In the more materialized people, of lower or primitive vibrations, they present dark and opaque colours and have a reduced diameter. In the first case, they channel more vital energy, facilitating the development of psychic faculties.
The names of the Chakras are of Eastern origin and in the West, we refer to them by their physical centre of location in the human body. Each Chakra has a colour related to its corresponding aura that derives from the frequency of vibration of the same Chakra.
In the eastern representation, the Chakras are seen as a variable number of petals, as if they were flowers, depending on their complexity.
In short, each Chakra has its function and meaning and is connected to certain organs that perform specific functions in the emotional, psychic and spiritual levels.
You can find informations about each Chakra hier.

The formation of blockages in the Chakras
Energy blocks, real energetic nodes, generated by negative feelings, attach stick, first and with great intensity, to the Chakras, functioning as “clogging” and causing the energies to not flow, taking us out of the state of harmony. Blocked Chakras cannot radiate energy in the right way, forcing themselves to an exaggerate activity in order to maintain energies at satisfactory levels.
Through various techniques, Reiki being one of them, we can dissolve these negative and harmful emotional structures.
Dissolving Blockages with Reiki
The action of the Universal Life Force Energy through the higher frequencies of vibrations releases blockages while Reiki travels through the meridians, electrical channels, nadis and chakras and allows the chakras to be liberated and harmonized gradually and uniformly.
During the process of purging and energetic cleansing, the dissolved energies return to our conscious mind, causing us to go back to the scene where we experienced the unpleasant situation that generated such blockage (resentment, magic, jealousy, rage, etc). Many times, even physical illnesses that have not had their energetic mold destroyed can manifest themselves as symptoms of dissolution. During this time, we may feel that our situation has worsened.
With the intensification of the application of Reiki, we will make this period less traumatic, always reminding that some releases are slower than others, thus, we are definitely released from these disfunctions.