VRT Method
The Vegetative Resonance Test (VRT) was developed in Germany by Doctor H. Schimmel (1978). It is based on the methods of electropuncture diagnostics by R. Voll (EAV) and bioelectronic functional diagnostics by Schmidt and Pflaum (BFD). However, only one reproducible point is used in the VRT, while EAV uses 500 to 1000 Biologically Active Points (BAP) and BFD 100-150 BAP.
The VRT method was introduced into clinical practice in 1978 when the German company "VEGA" developed the first opening for the "VEGA-TEST" method. The 15 years of experience and research of Doctor H. Schimmel and his followers made this method an extremely effective diagnostic method, especially through the use of special cassettes (ampoules) with test preparations. It is the most common method of electropuncture diagnostics.
The birth of this method was dated in 1953, when R.Voll began developing new methods of electropuncture diagnostics and therapy in collaboration with the engineer F.Verner.
The method is based on the correlation between the electroconductive properties of measuring points and the functional state of the related organs and systems.
The process:
You hold a copper electrode in one hand and on the other hand, a point on one finger is beeing "measured".
Individual codes are selected from a list and dialed in, and the answer appears as ‘‘Yes/No‘‘ on the amperometer.
This is the direct test or one-point test method. Or as I like to describe it, telephoning with the inner world on a molecular-energetic level. Selecting several codes creates a more complex way of asking the organism to get answers.
At least 2-3 hours before the test, avoid coffee, alcohol, nicotine and other substances that stress the nervous system.
Last meal about 1 hour before.
Avoid strong perfumes, hand creams, nail polish.
Have drunk enough water, at least 800ml.
Jewelry and belts must be taken off.

Diagnostic procedures/testing:
Our equipment allows with the method of VRT (Vegetative Resonance Test):
Performing a non-invasive functional energetic analysis and recognition of the interconnections between the strain on the organs and systems and the various disturbances, blockages and pathologies, using syndromic, nosologic and thematic approaches.
Performing an energetic test of various pre-pathological disorders at the preclinical stage of disease development if the symptoms have not yet been expressed or are missing, which thus allows the development and implementation of prophylactic tasks (preventive care).
Analysis of the state of organs, systems and meridians in their energetic functionality.
Performing an individual selection of homeopathic, isopathic and allopathic remedies without their introduction into the organism. Determine their efficiency and tolerance as well as the quantity and quality, in order to optimize the therapy.
Recognition of an organism's response to a therapy at any stage.
Detection of the blockages and loads of various unfavorable means of an organism (electromagnetic, radioactive, geopathic, chemical, physical and infectious) and significant elimination of their influences.
Detection of allergic loads.
Testing of dental materials, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.
Testing deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and hormones.
Recognition of the degree of stress or exhaustion of the immune system, the neurophysiological and endocrine systems.
Detection of mesenchymal blockages.
Recognition of the adaptive reserves of the organism.
Use of the VRT-test allows optimization of endogenous and exogenous bio-resonance therapy (BRT) to evaluate their effect on the organism.

Selection of homeopathic remedies, nosodes, organopreparations and toxin antidotes, from 26.000 electronic copies of leading companies (Staufen-Pharma, Wala, Heel, Weleda, etc.), for working selectively on a particular organ or meridian.
Storing of their medicinal properties onto different carriers of information (Globulis, etc).
Treatment of tobacco dependence.
Treatment of allergies.
Stress management.
Faster rehabilitation process.
Rise of the efficiency in a therapy due to influence onto the main cause of the illness.
Increase the resistance of the organism against the influence of pathogenic factors: infectional, physical, chemical, etc.
Drainage of stored exo- and endotoxins from the organism.
Perform electropuncture therapy with the possibility to modulate frequency, wave form, amplitude and polarity of the electric pulses.
Bio-resonance therapy (BRT) is the correction of the body's functions under influence of electromagnetic oscillations of strictly determined parameters
Endogenous BRT happens with the organism’s own electromagnetic oscillations.
Exogenous BRT happens with external signals that come in resonance with the organism's certain organs and systems, for example, using magnetic fields generated by special generators.
This is accomplished through mobile portable devices from the leading company in the field of frequency therapy DEHolding.
With a bioresonance therapy, individually tailored to the measurement results, any weaknesses found in the meridians and regulatory disorders of the autonomic nervous system can be corrected and the energy flow optimized
The self-healing powers of the body are strengthened. These self-healing powers require vitality. It is therefore necessary to master the basics of increasing vitality and to align therapy accordingly. Additional support is also provided through food supplements. Water is to be understood as the central means of life.