Prices & Services in Person
Bioresonance - Vegetativer Resonanz Test
During a first VRT appointment, initially a detailed discussion takes place and then we start with the testing session, lastly the advice on therapy options follows.
Duration: 1 hour
Price: 120€
DePuls Quick Test
A quick testing and evaluation of the human system, using pulse diagnostics. Following up orientation and advice on therapy options.
Duration: 30 min
Price: 45€
Testing of Nutritional Supplements
Various nutritional supplements can be tested to see whether they are currently optimal for the organism.
Duration: 30 min
Price: 30€
Frequency Globulis
Therapeutic method using Allergoplex, Bach Flowers, Nosodes and Autonosodes.
After an initial consultation, the different frequencies are tested to create the globulis.
Duration: 30 - 45 minutes
Price: 45€
Spiritual Surgery
Kahuna Reiki technique
This type of surgery operates on the fields of the person's energy.
This treatment does not replace medical treatment.
Initially a short conversation for orientation takes place and then the session begins.
Duration: 30 min
Price: €65, Package Offers
Intuitiv Healing Sessions
Initially a meeting takes place, which serves to get to know each other, the main topic that needs to be solved is looked at and discussed, and questions are asked for orientation and self-reflection.
A methodology is created to provide assistance with various options for a certain period of time, depending on the topic and goal, therefore the prices and packages are individual.
Duration: 30 min
Price: Free Initial Consultation
Bioresonance - Vegetativer Resonanz Test Follow-up Testing
During a follow-up test, initially a detailed discussion of the last therapeutic process takes place and then the testing session and continuation of the therapy follows.
Duration: 30 min - 1 hour
Price: 75€
BRT Session
During a bioresonance therapy session, initially a discussion takes place and a brief explanation of the process, then the session begins.
Duration: 30 min
Price: 45€, Package Offers
Testing for Intolerances & Allergies, Hormones, Deficiencies in Vitamins and Trace Elements & Minerals
Reiki Session
During a Reiki Healing Session, initially a conversation for orientation takes place and then the session begins.
Duration: 1 hour
Price: 77€, Package Offers
Crystal Mandala
Using a healing symbol and 8 crystals to send Reiki for healing, protection and to achieve goals.
Inquiries, wishes, descriptions, etc. of the topic or situation, in the form of letters, photos, etc., are placed under the middle crystal before the activation takes place.
The crystal mandala is then placed in that form for a week and activated every 72 hours.
All further details of the letters and the selection of the mandala will be discussed in a personal conversation.
Duration: 30 min
Price: 25€